Membership is open to all individuals and organizations interested in working collaboratively to improve mental health services in Northeast Wisconsin, including but not limited to:

  • Public and private providers and caregivers
  • County, state, and federal agencies
  • Consumers of mental health services
  • Law enforcement
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Private business leaders, concerned residents
  • Other stakeholders of mental health in Northeast Wisconsin

To become a member, click here to download the Membership Application, fill it out, and send it with your payment to the address on the form.

Membership levels and annual fees*:


Corporate Champion__________$15,000

Provider Organizations

Organization with operating budget* of under than $50,000_______________________$100

Organization with operating budget* of $50,000 to $100,000 ______________________$300

Organization with operating budget* of $100,000 to $500,000_____________________$500

Organization with operating budget* of $500,000 to $1 million __________________$1,000

Organization with operating budget* of $1 million to $5 million__________________$2,000

Organization with operating budget* of $5 million to $10 million ________________$3,500

Community Partners

Community Resource Agencies (shelters, advocacy, info/referrals) ________________$100


County, City, Town ________________$300

School Districts

Tier 1 (10,000+ students) _________$1,500

Tier 2 (3,000-9,999 students) _______$500

Tier 3 (1,000-2,999) _________________$250

Tier 4 (Under 1,000 students) _______$100


Individual Member (parents, consumers, community members)_________________$50

*If Membership Fees are a barrier, please contact Beth Clay, Executive Director, at 920.202.0117, regarding scholarships.

**While sponsors do not receive additional voting privileges; sponsorship does bring additional recognition in publications, marketing activities, Board representation, and access to NEWMHC resources.

Please note: Non-Profits, Government Agencies, and Higher Education members can calculate the fee from either the entity’s total budget or the entity’s mental health budget.