Fresh Take with Josh Dukelow: Interview with Beth Clay and Wendy Magas from The Connection
When he was depressed, a friend reached out. Now he wants to help end teen suicide
By Rory Linnane Appleton Post-Crescent Published March 29, 2018 Click here for story link For Isaiah Donaldson, the decline happened slowly. As a freshman in high school, his friends drifted away and stopped talking to him. Some days he'd just go home and cry. He was...
This anti-suicide program trains teens to be the counselors
Let kids sleep in? Later high school start times can aid youth mental health
By Liz Welter Appleton Post-Crescent Click here for original story OSHKOSH - Last year, Natalie Jackson began her days at Oshkosh West High School with a 5:30 a.m. wake-up call — though some days it was 5 a.m. Jackson, then a junior, had a "zero hour" class, which in...