Project Zero: Every One Matters is an initiative is focused on adult suicide prevention and systems-level change in our community to enhance protective factors and reduce risk factors related to adult mental health.

Project Zero, which is funded by a 3-year grant from the Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment, has three strategies:

Data strategy: Project Zero uses data to inform its work. Earlier this year, Project Zero launched a new community health survey, called the “Fox Cities Mind Your Wellness Survey” that is gathering in-depth information on the mental health and suicide-related behaviors and attitudes of adults in the Fox Cities. Click here for a flyer about the survey, and click here to take the survey. 

Community strategy: Project Zero is working to raise awareness about mental health and cultivating resilience in our community, with an emphasis on sub-populations known to have a higher risk for suicide.

As part of this strategy, Project Zero and the Zero Suicide Coalition launched a new public health campaign, called Strong Minds 4 Men, in May 2021  that targets middle-aged men with the goal of connecting them to mental health services and supports and reducing their suicide risk. 

The awareness campaign features a resource webpage,, that is part of the site and pulls together information about specific mental health disorders and available services. Visitors are will be able to:

  • READ about mental health concerns, WATCH videos in which men talk about their experiences, and LISTEN to podcasts that address related topics head-on.
  • Find relatable self-care tools and resources.
  • Take a free, online, and anonymous mental health screening.
  • Access contact information for emergency services.
  • Learn what to expect when contacting a mental health professional.

Workforce strategy: This strategy includes implementing the zero suicide framework within health care systems, and our community mental health providers. This strategy also includes the goal of better serving disparity groups, and ensuring our community’s mental health workforce has the training and tools to serve all groups of people equitably.